Saturday, January 30, 2010

Printmaker Nicola Lopez at St. Rose, Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, 3:30 pm

Nicola Lopez will speak about her printmaking, installations, and works-on-paper.
Tuesday, February 23rd, 3:30 pm in St.Joseph Auditorium, The College of Saint Rose, 985 Madison Avenue, Albany Free and open to the public. 
Also: Painter Rita Ackerman confirmed for Tuesday, Feb 9th, 4:30 at Boor Sculpture Studio, UAlbany

Friday, January 22, 2010

Man Ray's photo of the Surrealist artist, Meret Oppenheim, leaning on an etching press in 1933

Man Ray: Erotique voilée, 1933
gelatin silver print,  11-1/2 x 9 inches
Lucien Treilard, © DACS, London / ADAGP, Paris

Thursday, January 21, 2010

OPENING Tues, Feb 2: "Carroll Dunham Prints: A Survey"

The exhibition begins Feb. 2 with an artist's walkthrough at 4:30 p.m., followed by the opening reception from 5-7 p.m.  University Art Museum, SUNY-Albany

Visiting Artist Schedule for Spring 2010, SUNY-Albany

  • 1. Rita Ackerman /  Tuesday, February 9, 4:30 pm  /  Lecture at Boor Sculpture Studio, Multi-Purpose Room
  • 2. Carroll Dunham / Monday, February 22, 7:00 pm / Lecture at University Art Museum
  • 3. Olaf Breuning / Tuesday, March 2, 7:00 pm / Lecture at University Art Museum
  • 4. Kate Gilmore / Monday, March 8,  4:30 pm  /  Lecture at Boor Sculpture Studio, Multi-Purpose Room
  • 5. Shelly Bancroft and Peter Nesbett  Wednesday, March 17,  7:00 pm  /  Lecture at University Art Museum
  • 6. Kira Appelhans  / Visitor to Printmaking Program  /  Date and Time to be Announced
  • 7. Dawn Clements / Tuesday, May 4, 7:00 pm / Lecture at University Art Museum